Monday, August 28, 2006

Movie Review: Talladega Nights, The Legend of Ricky Bobby

(Val) When I got home last night, I had totally decided not to review this movie because I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I saw it, let alone that I actually laughed. More than once. Then I got to thinking about my reasoning, and I found it ridiculous to hide behind a fear of what others might think. I have never been labled politically correct, and that's not about to happen anytime soon. Besides, Talladega Nights is a racing movie, so logic says the review belongs on a racing web site. So here goes nothing...

Spring and I had been trying to work out a night with our hubbies so we could go see this as a "double date" and last night it finally came together. We had the giggles before we even got to the theater, so once the movie started, there was really no stopping us. Yes, we found some parts highly amusing, and we laughed a lot, but there were times, especially those parts with the two annoyingly crude kids, and the guy-on-guy kissing scenes, that I felt really uncomfortable watching it. Fortunately, there was some good music, and delicious eye candy in the form of a totally sweet Chevelle, and even moments where crude and nasty took a back seat to really funny. It totally lacked in real racing action though. Even the ridiculous Days of Thunder did a better job of that. Heck, come to think of it, Cars had far better racing scenes!

First of all, let me say that a couple of weeks ago, my 13-year-old son was invited to go see this movie with some of his friends, and he was not happy with me when I cited the family rule that says, PG-13 movies are only acceptable after we, as parents, have seen and approved of them first, unless we are going together as a family. As the credits rolled for Talladega Nights, I was incredibly thankful that I had stuck to my guns. My son is still not happy with me, citing the fact that he hears that stuff, or worse, on the bus ride to and from school every day. My reply is that while that may be true, it doesn't mean I approve of it, and it certainly doesn't mean that I'm going to pay to let him hear and see more of the same.

With all of that said, my comments about the movie itself will be brief. While I knew that with Will Ferrell in the starring role, anything could, and probably would, happen, I have to say that I was disappointed that he sunk to a level that I had formerly associated with "acting" lowlifes like Rob Schneider. Ferrell can be incredibly funny at times, and completely boorish at others. He was both in this film.

While the story itself was funny, silly and definitely irreverant, and to this day, certain lines and scenes randomly pop into my head and make me laugh, still, I have to wonder: Why did NASCAR endorse this? Wasn't it just a couple of years ago that they denied Derrike Cope a sponsorship deal with website because they "didn't feel like that projected the proper image of our sport?" They disapproved of a sponsor because they didn't want NASCAR to be interpreted as a "redneck" sport, yet they gave Talladega Nights two thumbs up? So the fact that some race fans enjoy trucks and hunting might have a negative impact on the perception of NASCAR as a wholesome, family sport, but perceiving a driver as womanizing, eccentric, rude, cocky, selfish, egotistical and crude shines a more positive light? The irony is unbelievable!

So in my opinion, while Talladega Nights has its funny moments, it's not worth the admission price. If you haven't already seen it, wait for the DVD, do the $1 per night Redbox deal, and make sure the kids are asleep and the door is closed. Better yet, watch it when they're not home.

My rating: One spark plug

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