Saturday, October 07, 2006

I will survive

(Ash) In the words of Glroia Gaynor: I will survive! I did, have, and will survive Talladega Days and NIghts (thanks Val) Day 3: On the road again, again, again, yet it is never the never the day twice. Proven, once again, on the way to, and from Talladega. Not to mention the racing has been spectacular, rookies shocking vets, amazing times turned in during qualifying, and then the restrictor plate "debate" that surfaced this morning.
Just when you think the "mini city" is at full capacity -- scoot over and squeeze in a few more- and they did, they do. However, surprisingly enough, this is a clean, and pretty tame place all things considered. When you consider that people from all over the country, and even a small percent from other countries, alcohol, a dry county, a 'sporting contest' and then toss in; this is the south: A FOOTBALL weekend- for the law officials this was a slow 24 hours. and no out of control fires was even more impressive. I asked one of the security men some generic questions but hey, he was a "hire out" from about 260 miles away and was "just thrilled to be here!" Bad choice and he wasn't even cute!
At this point the first race, won by Frank Kimmel, a personal friend of those of us at RaceFan, gave him a second victory at Talladega. Kimmel qualified in the top 5 but among those in that 5 he was the only one to come out on top- so to speak. I guess the saying "practice makes perfect" holds true. Kimmel and his team recently spent some track time on the newly surfaced Talladega track.
As I write this the Craftsman Truck Series is running the 250 miles of the 1000 total for the weekend and making history for being the first time for that series to run at Talladega.
The interesting thing at this point is that the fans love it all: Racing is racing. Yes, there are certain levels of a "Fan" such as there are many different levels and types of racing. But considering that we are where we are in our War Against Terrorism, maybe someone should look at the simple rules of the ____ (name the track) community during race weekend. Translation: Why can't we all just get along?
1) What is my space is mine, I have been here for years and, who are you?
2) If you need a port-a-potty, we have one-- just clean up after yourself.
3) If you cook, please share. When we cook you are welcomed to "come on by" but do so atyour
own risk,
4) Share your ride (in this case it may be a golf cart or pit bike)
5) Beer is an excuse to make friends and wheel and deal, just have a good attorney with you or
make it a signed deal. All deals under the "gentlemen's handshake" are blown like a bad engine!

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