Tuesday, March 06, 2007

One month to go!

With just one month to go until the official kick off of the 2007 GGR season, all I can say is, "Bring it on!"

Like most race fans, I have watched the oh-so-slow revolution of seasons changing from those mild October evenings, to the ice storms of November and January, all the way around to violent thunderstorms of pre-spring. It's an ongoing circle that will finally make the turn to spring in the very near future.

As we gear up for the season, Spring and I have been working on confirming dates for races, getting credentials, organizing our paperwork and brainstorming over what to do differently and better this year.

We've had some fun lunches with other race girls, mainly Tammy and Tina from Tri-City, where we have learned more about how things work when it comes to promoting a dirt track. The girls have also been great at giving us tips as to things we can do to make sure we maintain good relationships with track and sanction owners. With all of that in mind, I like to think that last year was our rookie/learning season and this, our sophomore season, means we will apply much of what we have learned. Of course, it's an ongoing process, and I would also hope that we will never stop learning.

These past few months have meant basketball season at our house, and since I can't be outside shooting race cars, I've been honing my skills inside, taking photographs at high school varsity games, as well as junior high feeder league and Upward basketball games. It's been a lot of fun, and I managed to contribute hundreds of photos to our high school coach for use at the end of the season awards dinner, which is always a lot of fun.

Besides taking pictures, I've been trying to learn more about how my camera works, and how to process and manipulate photos in Paint Shop Pro Photo. I still have a whole lot to learn about all aspects of photography, and I doubt I will ever come close to making the kind of magic that Spring creates, but I sure have a good time trying. I'm posting one of my manipulations here just to give you an idea of the kind of playing I've been doing. I like the effects, and I'm going to play around some more when I have the time. Maybe one of these days Spring will even have time to give me a few tips.

While learning about the camera, and really pushing my current lenses to their limits, it became apparent that I just couldn't get as close to my subjects as I would have liked. With that in mind, I broke down and ordered a new zoom lens that should be here by the end of the week. My current lens goes out to 200, and the new one goes to 300, so I am anxious to see how much that helps with shooting cars. I will still have the problem of not having a decent flash, so any night time photography is still going to be left up to Spring.

It's funny, as the days are crossed off the calendar, I look forward to the racing season, yet I want to hang on to each precious hour. My daughter graduates from high school this year, and will be attending school in Springfield, Missouri, in the fall. We took a fast trip down there this weekend so she could interview for a scholarship, and had a great time. Of course, it would be a whole lot better if I didn't get all weepy at the thought of packing her up and saying good-bye! She's quite a kid though, and I know she will do well.

While in Springfield last weekend, we had about 90 minutes to kill, so we did what most women would do in our situation, we went shopping! Finding our way to Battlefield Mall was easy, and as luck would have it, two local tracks, Lebanon I-44 Speedway and Monett Speedway, were holding their pre-season race car show at the mall! All lined up in one wing of the mall were beautiful shiny Late Models and Modifieds polished up and ready to roll. It's fun to see them looking all clean and new and then think about how they are all going to look in about a month's time!

Speaking of new, things are coming together over at Tri-City. My Dad and I are hoping to make a run over there on Thursday to see it firsthand. The new Musco lighting is on its way and the weather is looking good so far for the pouring of the new concrete wall. That place is sure going to look different from the track I grew up with, but I think that all of the changes will be great. The Gundakers have sure put a lot into it, and I know they are excited about unveiling it to the world.

As it stands right now, Spring and I are hoping to get over there for a couple of hours on Play Day, March 25. We'll head back over on April 6 when Kenny Wallace is supposed to be in attendance.

Saturday, April 7, we head down to Pevely, Missouri for the World of Outlaws Sprint Cars. I haven't been to a WoO show in a few years, and I'm really looking forward to it. Our plan right now is to go down early and do some tailgating before the race. We're hoping that a few of our friends will stop by and say hello. I'm planning to bring a few Girls Gone Racin' stickers to give away, so if you stop by, be sure and ask for one!

Yes, the weather is warming up, and all over the midwest engines are being tuned up in preparation for another run at a track championship, or a rookie season. I don't know about everyone else, but I can't wait to get the party started!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading all of your stories. I too am anxious to get this season started. We race at I-55 and hope the weather holds out so we can get in some good racing.I look forward to reading more and looking at more pictures.