Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To Our Friends at Pike County Speedway

We have had several emails about the photos that were taken at Pike County Speedway, and I wanted to make sure that we let everyone know what is going on.

First, Spring and I both apologize for the delay. Usually we try to get photos up on our site within a week of any event. Unfortunately, we have been unable to do that this time because we ran into some unforeseen problems.

Without going into too many details, Spring was in a car accident about a year ago, and has had some issues ever since. In the past couple of months, things have gotten worse, and she has a pinched nerve in her neck that is causing terrible pain in her neck, shoulder and arm. She was actually in quite a bit of pain the night she took the pictures, but she’s a trooper, and since we had committed to doing this, and she loves to take pictures, she wasn’t about to stay home.

This past week has been very hard on her, and she has actually been restricted by her doctor from doing almost anything, including working on the computer. Because she took so many photos, and she wants to get as many of them online as possible, she planned to do this using her photography site instead of our Girls Gone Racin’ site. She is the only one who can get all of those hundreds of photos edited and loaded onto that site, so it’s something I can’t even help her with or I certainly would.

Please rest assured that as soon as she is physically capable, Spring will get the pictures up. Once she does, there will be a link on the Girls Gone Racin’ site that will allow you to access them, and order any that you choose to purchase.

We sincerely regret the delay, but there are some things that just can’t be helped. I know that Spring would really appreciate your prayers as she endures this painful time. We both enjoyed meeting so many nice people up at Pike and told our families all about the great time we had. We would love to come back again some time.

Thank you for you patience.


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