Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Rest in Peace, America!

When I awoke this morning and realized that last night's election results weren't just some horrific nightmare, there was such an overwhelming heaviness in my heart that I just couldn't handle it. This feels like September 11, 2001 all over again.

The predominant adjective in my vocabulary right now is betrayal. That's how I feel about the actions of just over 50% of this country. You have betrayed us in the deepest and most heinous of ways by choosing a man whose views are so far removed from those of our forefathers that it's hard to believe he can call himself an American citizen.

Thank you, God that folks in my county have some sense, and it looks as if our state still voted conservatively although it was unbelievably and inexcusably close.

Now, I'm not going to ruin my blog by going on and on about the elections because that's just not what the blog is about. As sad as I am today, as much as my heart breaks for my children's future, this just isn't the place to keep ranting over and over. I'm not a whiney liberal and I don't intend to become one.

With that in mind, I have to say that, despite the title of this entry, I refuse to give up hope. We endured the Carter and Clinton years, we will endure this as well because we are still Americans and deep down I have to believe that we still believe in what's good and right and true and when the rest of you wake up and decide to fight for it, we shall overcome.

As for me, I look forward to 2012. Sarah Palin all the way, baby!

P.S. At least there is ONE good thing about today: No election ads on tv and no more of those robo-calls. I think we can all agree that that is a very good thing. :)

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