(Val) 11:43pm -- Spring is on her way home as I write this, ready to get the photos on a cd so I can get them on line ASAP. She did a wonderful job on her first night out, and I think she passed muster quite handily with the veterans. I had a great time watching her work and can’t wait to see how the pics look once we get them on the site.
My first thought as I make a quick run through of the night’s events is that Drag racing is absolutely nothing like any other type of racing I have ever experienced. As true as that statement is, I would have to add the caveat that all types of racing have one thing in common: The people.
Tonight, at the ADRL Flowmaster Gateway Drags was, for lack of a better description, awesome! From signing in at the gate with Jackie, to talking to drivers, fans and photographers, to watching the last few minutes of the Jason Aldean concert, we had a great time.
Spring, her husband Randy, and I arrived at the track around 5:30 or so and the adventure began as soon as we got out of the car and started walking down the rows of cars. We saw some absolutely beautiful machines, and no two of them were alike. Our quest to find girls involved in racing was off to a great start when we spotted two-year-old Hayley cruising around in a miniature golf cart. Spring got some great shots of her sitting in her Daddy’s race car, and we enjoyed talking to him.
Being initiated into Drag racing was a lot smoother than I expected it to be. Everyone around us was so friendly and helpful about answering our questions. We added several new phrases to our vocabularies tonight, and learned their definitions as well! Much, much thanks goes out to George, Rhonda, Don and Tom who opened up a whole new world for me tonight. I had no idea that watching cars fly at top speed for 1/8 mile could be so exciting!
We had been forewarned about the earplugs, and we came well-armed. They are a definite necessity, especially when one is standing mere feet from the edge of the drag strip! The sound is indescribable, and the smell -- a mix of spent fuel and burned rubber -- combined with the smoke, is a bit overwhelming! But all of that was nothing compared to the heat of the flame-throwing Chevy S-10 Wheelstander, and the amazingly powerful Jetcar. Whoa! Talk about something that could literally set you on your backside, that’s them for sure.
There is a lot more to say, and I took notes so I wouldn’t forget anything, but I’m going to keep this brief tonight, because I’m wiped out and tomorrow morning will come very quickly. With it being Easter Sunday, it will be a busy day, but I will do my best to get back on here and fill in the details. Hopefully, those will be accompanied by pictures.
Happy Easter!
Kalbinizin dolu olmasini ister misiniz?
6 years ago
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